Atmosphere of Safety
Atmosphere of Safety
Area of Focus
For the Special Needs we practice different forms of evidence-based therapies such as Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), Floor time, etc. Our therapy sessions cover these domains: Speech and Language, Cognitive Skills, Social Skills, Sensory Integration, Behaviour Modification and Occupational Therapy, Skill acquisition through Home-base and Centre-base interventions, set up inclusive education system for school(s) that want to go into inclusive education for Special Needs Children, conduct trainings in the various therapy domains and reach the populace through our mass media programs.
For the elderly, we support the populace to care for their elderly ones who they have little or no
time for by providing Live-in care and Home-base care Services. For the Live-in care, the elderly
lives in our care centre and he/she is been visited by his family members at the agreed times while
for the Home-base care, a Staff or some Staff are assigned to care for the elderly at home.